'creativity takes courage...' Henri Matisse
Whether Matisse actually said that, I don't know, but it's kind of true don't you think?
Creating things that other people are going to see (and maybe judge!) requires a bit of bravery although we are nearly always our own worst critic! Even starting this blog took a considerable number of deep breaths and doubts!
Am I good enough? My drawing's not very good! Is it art? What will other people think? What if I get criticized? Will other people like it? I'm not sure I've done this right? I'm not sure I can do it! What am I doing!!?
I'm trying really hard to keep a sketchbook, and in the past it's always something I've struggled with. I think maybe the term SKETCHbook puts me off a bit - I think I'm going to rename it my 'Inspiration Book', that kind of takes the pressure off somehow!
Drawing and sketching - not my strong point. But I do get inspired by lots of different things, and I'm actually really enjoying revisiting ideas, places and photographs and recording them in my 'Inspiration Book'.
And it's working...I'm getting some new ideas through playing!
My last blog mentioned the lovely walk between Rinsey and Porthleven and how I had seen choughs along the coastline. Thinking of that walk, I've spent some time making stencils and stamps and just having fun exploring different ideas to put into my 'Inspiration Book'.
A stamp made from funky foam and a stencil made from freezer paper |
Stencilling with acrylic paint onto silk and then onto felt |
Playing with my Gelli plate creating monoprints |
More Gelli printing monoprints |
Needlefelted chough on silk with painted doily and chiffon 'sea pinks' |
Wool sketch of chough - needlefelting |
I've also zoomed in on the rock formations along that walk where there are thick bands of quartz running through the cliffs - I love the bold lines and contrasts and I think they would work well for a book cover, maybe a necklace or even a bag! I haven't made a felted bag in a long time, so that could be interesting!
Inspiration from rock formations |
Since my last blog, I also made a felted vessel along the gorse and heather theme. Although only small, these little pots take a lot of time and effort to make - you need to make sure it is thoroughly felted in order to keep its shape. I'm pleased with the outcome - I am definitely going to revisit these colours which look great together.
Small vessel - wet felted around a resist |
Gold of the gorse |
Purples of the heather |
Cutting with resists |
I'm already thinking of another walk with photo memories to be inspired by - along our local beach at Porthkidney, Lelant, but I'm going to pause where I am for a minute.
I plan to factor in some actual 'making' this weekend, so hopefully I can put the ideas already in my 'Inspiration Book' to good use!
So, any lessons learned?
**Don't overthink everything - not everyone is going to like everything you do and that's fine!
**Take time to play - great things come out of children playing, so why should it be any different for adults?!
**Just get on with it and stop faffing around!!(come on, I know I'm not the only 'faffer' out there!)
Wishing you all a wonderful (and creative!) weekend.
xx Tanya xx