
Thank you for visiting my website.

I am a textile artist/felter based in West Cornwall and live on our family farm just outside St Ives.

My inspiration is from the Cornish landscape; the colours, shapes and textures.  I'm particularly drawn towards the rural views, especially the moors where I often walk and take many photographs to use as a starting point for my work.

I fell in love with the magical process of felting many years ago and now use and continue to develop the technique to  'paint with wool', aiming to create a sense of place in my felted landscapes.

My main place for sharing my work and processes is Instagram, so do follow me there if you'd like to join me on my creative journey - maybe it will inspire you to create some of your own art!

If you would like to read my blog you can find me on Substack, which is a great platform for discovering fantastic writers and creatives.

I'm also a member of the Prime Women Artists' Group which is a collaborative group of over 100 members, all being female Cornwall-based artists.  You can find out more and follow what we're up to on Instagram.

I love being creative primarily for the joy of it and for its benefits to my well being - I would truly encourage you to have a go.  Pick up a pencil and some paper, a needle and thread, some glitter and glue - anything to get in touch with your inner child who would have loved to play with art materials.

Stay curious and find your own joy in art.

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life"

(Pablo Picasso)