'...thoughts flitting through my mind like clouds on a windy day' (David Gray)
I'm a bit new to this blogging malarkey, but I thought I'd give it a go...and what better time than as we haul ourselves out of winter and into spring - the season of hope and new beginnings.
There are signs of new life everywhere - budding, blooming, fluttering, unfurling, singing - lots of great verbs going on out there in the big outdoors!
I would love to make art and creating a more definite part of my days, and it's a bit of a journey for me. Self confidence, fitting things around the day job, procrastination are all things that get in the way, but I feel itchy when I don't get chance to make, draw or felt something for a while, and I'm feeling a bit like that now.
Too many ideas, not enough time!!
Too many ideas, not enough time!!
My next blog will hopefully show some work, processes and inspiration - time to get the creative juices flowing!! Care to join me?!
Wishing you a wonderful week
xxxxxxxx Tanya xxxxxxxx