Sunday 6 May 2018

Springing into May

I can hardly believe it is May already!  Unfortunately, there's not been as much creative time as I would have liked over the last few weeks, but I am taking part in a couple of projects that I've shared below.

Collaborative Quilt Project

I have signed up to take part in a Ruth Singer collaborative quilt project, and it means working to a brief to fit within a theme.  Basically, all collaborators have been given lots of data and photographs in connection with female Victorian criminals.  The aim is to create a 6 inch quilt block, designed using the information given to create patterns/repeats etc.  There's also a restricted colour palette.

I have to be honest, I've found this quite challenging! To keep within a brief, and to use spreadsheet data as a basis for design is something new to me, and I spent quite a long time scratching my head - not the way I would normally approach a piece of work!

However, I did come up with an idea on paper, focusing on just some of the information , to create a design.  

It was a good opportunity to use some of my rust dyed cotton hexies, and these are arranged in a pattern and they will eventually have different stitches on them to represent the data ( a bit like a code I guess).

I need to get on and finish this now, before I have second thoughts on it!  There's a fair amount of stitching to do yet, so hopefully I can chip away at it in the evenings before sending it off.  

I have no idea whether it will be accepted to be included in the finished quilt, but even if it doesn't pass it's definitely been an interesting and worthwhile thing to do - it's good to work outside of your comfort zone occasionally, and it has given me a way of approaching a piece of work that I hadn't considered before!

You can find out more information about Ruth's Criminal Quilts project on her BLOG .

Fundraising Postcard Art

The other mini project that I'm doing is a contribution to an art sale in aid of worthy local cause.  I can't really show you it, as each piece is supposed to be anonymous!  There are lots of well known artists getting involved, so there should be a really interesting display of postcard art!  

Again, I have no idea whether anyone will want to buy mine (and I'm not very well known!) - but I hope someone will like it enough to part with some money to help raise funds for an outside learning space for youngsters, which I think is so important.  My children benefited greatly from having outdoor learning at their primary/junior school.

I wouldn't normally volunteer to take part in things like these - a confidence thing more than anything - but there's nothing to lose really is there? And each time you do something 'a bit different' it's a good learning curve.

Other stitching...

I have added a border to my blackbird piece - I still can't decide whether to add a hanger, or display it in a frame, but I've put that thought to one side until I've finished these other things.

I also have a little bit of stitchery on the go, again using scraps and running stitch - for no particular reason other than because it's relaxing to do and helps me unwind and empty my head.

I am still giving a lot of thought to mindful stitching and mental health, and I'd like to go into it more,  but think I will keep that for a separate blog post.  

Colour inspiration

I'm always snapping photos with my phone, and often it's just to capture colours and textures as inspiration for textile work.

I love the blue and rust combination...I feel sure that I may use these images for future projects.

On the Allotment...

In other news, as the weather has settled a little and warmed up (a little!) we have been busy cracking on in our allotment and garden.  The potatoes and onions are in the ground and are well on the way.

Already, we can see things germinating, sprouting and flowering - a promise of good and tasty things to come!

I think Rufus is a little bored with all the gardening though...

Ooh, I can't wait until we pick our first strawberries - you can't beat fruit and veg picked fresh and seasonally, delicious!!  We are picking lots of rhubarb at the moment, which is great, but we've now used the last of our leeks, potatoes and swede so it's shop bought veg now for the moment...

The hedgerows and verges have been bursting with bluebells and primroses, and it is is of course always lovely to bring a little bit of the outside in to enjoy.

Well, that's all for now - hopefully I can show some completed work next time and I'm hoping I might find some more time to start some new projects!

Thanks for reading - it's always lovely to hear from you, so feel free to leave a comment or visit over on Facebook and Instagram!

xx Tanya xx