Saturday 29 February 2020

All about the layers...

January was a time for experimenting...

Playing with layers...

Playing with paint...

Sketchbook explorations...

Exploring nuno felting in a more painterly way...

Experiments led to two finished pictures which I'm happy with, but there's always progress to be made...

‘As the Crow Flies’

‘Pink Haze’

February was a time for trying something new...

An oil and cold wax painting workshop with Laura Menzies...

Luscious layers...

Contrasts in textures...soft/hard...creating differences.

Dissolving layers...


Pressing in bubble wrap...

Scratching through to show what lies beneath...

Colour pops...

Wonderfully waxy

Scrummy colours...

Still all about those wonderful layers, this workshop seemed so relevant to what I’m trying to explore within felting...but also now has me inspired to try oils and cold wax again in the’s such a lovely medium to spread around and play with.

February has also been spent getting our holiday cottages ready for our first guests at Easter, so less time for felting, but I've been studying, reading, listening to podcasts, following free art courses and trying to get my head in a good place for creating when the time allows...

There's no rush, but my fingers are starting itch...the need to get making is real...

I am laying out a work table of intentions...inspiration, materials, sketchbooks and notes...

Particularly liking this image I’ve created on Procreate which is basically a photo I took in one of our fields that I’ve ‘painted over’ in the app.

I can't wait to get stuck in!

Hope you are all well and have started 2020 as you mean to go on...

xx Tanya xx